Girl Talk, aka Gregg Gillis, a former bio-mechanical engineer from Pittsburg, has put a new record, and done a bit of a Radiohead by giving it away for whatever you want to pay. It would be kinda tricky to actually put it out since Girl Talk’s music is essentially 15 samples per song, none licenced and all reasonably well known. His is a kinda Diplo style thing where he lines up some B-More or krunked out filth over something entirely incongrouous, like a piece of 90s alt rock, or some pop hit (Come On Eileen anyone?).

The first album I heard of his was the supreme Night Ripper, which was actually available in the peerless Rounder Records for a couple of weeks. I totally wore that out playing it, so when a CDR with Girl Talk scrawled on it in biro plopped into my lap, I dropped it into my player immediately, and….. WOW. So much filthier, more Baltimore, and yet so much delicious pop in there too. Amazing. Its not gonna cost you anything – get over to ILLEGAL ART (the label that puts Girl Talk out) and download a paaaaaarrrrtaaaaaayyyy.

Check this track – not even the best track, but the only one I could find de nada. Set It Off


Just found this one too – peep the Nirvana sample – legend. In Step
