Physic Or Surgery Mixtape by sideb0ard


I think most of you know the plan, but if not, the compilation has the
same name as the comic/graphic novel I’ve started on -

I’m almost finished issue2 which should be done this weekend – really
more of a second chapter than issue – the plan is to combine them both
into a pdf which will be distributed with the compilation, and will
act as a sort of crossover for me between the label and the comic

I have a site planned for the release too, which will pretty much be a
rip-off of the Thriller website format – -
tons of pictures from the label and artists, influences and anything
else that might be a fit – in fact if anyone has photos of shows or
artwork they would like included, send em on over, the more the

The mixtape version will be a free download and i’ve already set it as
such on soundcloud, so please do to link to it already, be good to get
some buzz around it before official release date, which will be more
around end of July, giving me time to finish the comic and website, do
press and get it out to the distributor etc.

a MASSIVE thank you to all of you for everything over the years, and
especially for these contributions – massive as the album is at over 2
hours, i think it actually flows together perfectly and captures
something of the essence of the label, possibly one of the finest
releases we’ve put out!