For the people reading this I would like to firstly ask, how old is Samir Alikhanizadeh?

- Samir Alikhanizadeh is 15

<divAnd of course the obvious question, what made you start producing music?

- Ooo well, long story short; I was ill and off school for a long time
(about 18 months ago) with nothing to do. I had been introduced to FL
Studio ages ago by my brother, so i thought I’d have a play around on
it to waste some time. I ended up really getting into it, and things
basically escalated from there.

So how are you juggling your school work, having fun as a teenager and producing? Surely that’s a lot on your shoulders?

- School work I just about manage, don’t have much of a social life
though haha (doesn’t I live in the middle of nowhere). Yeah I suppose,
I’m easy…

And what’s this about having your own label?

- It was just a bit of a project with a mate (Al) called
NinetySevenSides, we released a free EP from Polkadot (incredible EP)
which was actually pretty popular.


Don’t tell me you’ve got a girlfriend on top of all of that have you?

- Nahh, but the bitches be after me… obviously.


You recently played at Church in Corsica Studios – one hell of a line up. How was it for you? Is this your first gig playing out?

- Yeah, some brilliant artists down there. It was a good night, went
over to my birthday too! Nope, that was my 3rd gig, of many more to

Due to your age do you find problems getting in gigs your booked for to DJ?

- Surprisingly no. I just walk in with the organiser of the night, past
the bouncers, no hassle.

I recently fell upon a youtube video/link of one tracks getting spun by the likes of Loefah on his Rinse FM “Swamp 81” show, how the hell did that happen then?

- I nearly weed myself when I saw it… If that shows how insanely
excited I was about it. I don’t actually know how he got hold of my
music to be honest.

What sort of music do you make?

- The kind that’s audible. And contains lots of darkness, and bass, and
4/4 kick drums. The rest changes really.

Got anyone that inspires you?
- Loads of people, too many to name. But I’ll name some anyway; Paleman,
Thefft, Dusky, Blawan (the whole R&S crew), Boddika (the whole Swamp81
crew), Mike Dunn … loads more.

Preferred Genre?

- Fuck genres. I just like something with a 4/4 beat, loads of
percussion (melodic and… non melodic), a swingy beat, minimalistic,
and just FUCKING GOOD.

5 people to follow on twitter?

Al Gill You
Mickey Pearce
Skanky Pale < these people entertain me.

Oh yeah and there’s this weirdo lol > SKINNY MACHO

Favourite track at the moment?

- This is insane > Metrist – “Vibe Apparatus” Metrist is a don!

What can we expect from you in the future?

- Hopefully, progression/development into better artist. Also quite a
few releases!

Do you like dragons!?

- FUCK YES. Do you?

HELL YEAH. Especially dragon my balls across womens faces!