Cieron is a very humble individual who runs in the creative circles we’re surrounded by. He is an individual who sought to build something for himself the way he intended it to be. He cut out the middle man and without being technically trained had conviction in his ideas. Watch the video to learn more about him.

We were commissioned to make 10 ‘Take It On’ films for BBC Radio 1.

These films aim to celebrate individuals in East London in the run up to BBC Radio 1′s Hackney Weekend at the end of June, and also Radio 1 and 1Xtra’s Academy, which opens on the 1st June and will be offering masterclasses and Q&A’s to thousands of young people from East London. To find out more about the Academy, email

We’re very proud of the work we have done and the individuals we have managed to get onboard in this process. They are all in their own crafts a positive example of taking the lead in their careers. We would like to sincerely thank each and everyone of them for sharing their time, in some cases their homes, their crafts and ultimately the aspects of their lives they are most proud. Another big thank you to BBC Radio 1 for giving us the opportunity to tell the stories we wanted.

MORE ON THE Radio 1 and 1Xtra’s Academy HERE

if you are interested in the academy email