Two of my favourite rapscallions from good ol’ Manchester, Chimpo and DRS, shake it up together on this track more perfectly than rum and ginger beer. Sheer soulful vibes from DRS (he used to MC for Bukem & the Good Lookin’ Records crew and now is one third of Broke’n'£nglish….nuff said) with that nifty like club kick from Chimpz and a sick lil video of the city centre to boot. Obviously, we can’t forget a cameo towards the end from one of Manchester’s consistently best dressed mans, Strategy. If I had a foot fetish (…if) this would be like sitting on the bottom of a swimming pool and looking up at all the sexy toes, without drowning of course.

On a little side note, I once got so mangled with these two guys on grappa after a night on the tiles (sp? also known as a rancid paint stripper alcohol made from the skins left over from grapes after wine production….EUGH!!) that we punched through a massive paper light-shade and danced on coffee tables. Then Chimpo was sick off a gag reflex from just smelling the bottle in the morning….DRS on the other hand decided to knock back a shot of it for breakfast. Pure depravity…or if you’ve got an extra funny bone maybe you’d be shouting AYIA GRAPPA, AYIA GRAPPA along with us. Brapple-mother-fuckin-pie.