At this point in the year it’s all about lists. Album of the year, gig of the year, comp, reissue etc etc.

The disappointing thing this year (and frankly most of this decade) is the lack of a hip hop representation. Example: the only artists to have even sniffed at my lists heve been Q Tip (with his really good return to form The Renaissance)…


Q-Tip – Won’t Trade

And my personal faves The Cool Kids…


The Cool Kids – 88

The key in my mind is not to hate on all the nonsense thats going on – just leave the little boys to their Akon CDs (although Billboard aren’t helping matters by voting Chris Brown artist of the year again – WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT?). No, the key for me is to start pestering DangerMouse to make another hip hop record! Step up man!