Got told i didnt write enough on ze good ole bloggenhoff today so i’ve decided to go on a lickle rant. Well more of a praise effort. Don’t you just love when you get people together and things blossom into good stuff! yeah? Well how bout this… My mate Oroma of Popafricana fame needed to meet some cool peeps over this side of the pond. So I hooked her up with my main man over the galaxy, a friendly Marsian called Mrmadeofcodes

Next thing I know he’s contibuting to her magazine via the forum of pictures, so i’m like cool i’m happy that has happened. Friends getting on with friends is a beautiful thing apart from when they dont get on!! So I get this message saying that Popafricana his been featured on THE FADER website and i’m like wooo-fucking-peeee!! How dope is that… anyway peep the strategy!!


Crack over and out!!!!

p.s If u missed Yo Majesty and Neon Neon - no worries, I missed the lovely Tamp ladies set last week but caught them on their collabo with NN. Thats what i call them now, it’s like we are best buds, yum!