
Seek to become NINJA.

- Ninjas don’t walk, the ground moves for them
- Ninjas don’t fly, the ground falls away and moves for them
- Ninjas don’t swim, the waters part to let them through
- Ninjas don’t sleep, they wait
- Ninjas iron there shirts while wearing them
- Ninjas can predict the songs on their ipod shuffle
- Ninjas put pants on 2 legs at a time
- Ninjas make onions cry
- Ninjas are allowed to talk about ‘fight club’
- Ninjas play minesweeper with real mines
- Ninjas created the wheel . . . twice.
- Ninjas can speak in ‘wing dings’.
- When ninjas do push ups, they don’t push themselves up, they push the world down
- Bullets dodge ninjas
- A ninja once received a Hollywood star, he made the handprint when the cement was dry
- In an average living room there are 1,242 objects ninjas could use to kill you, including the room itself.